Sunday, March 22, 2009

Because my sister made me......

As is implied, I am posting under duress. I didn't specifically say what sister, but you can pick from the two and you'll be right either way.

I really have nothing to report. School is...going? What am I supposed to say? The days kinda blend in to each other, one assignment to the next; the tests stand out, although I would rather they didn't. I'm still having a blast, balancing nights on the town (in Provo???) and nights with a good book or chick-flick in my apartment.

I only have four weeks left before I am no longer a freshman in college. In all reality, this is the last time I will ever be a freshman. EVER!!! No pressure, though, right? I'm looking into some jobs for the summer already, preparing for my last round of mid-terms this week before finals, and being forced to register for fall classes before this semester is even over. Oh, and I get to go home this weekend. It will be my first time home in three and an half months, although you would never convince me that it has been that long.

Recent developments: I am an official romantic slob, usually with characters that are immortal...darn. The calendar in my room is still turned to October of last year. Guess I'm stuck being 18 forever. My music tastes have become somewhat more eclectic. I hear a song, I like it, I get it. I am pondering taking a water aerobics class this summer. I miss my best friend. I miss my dog. Only one of them is coming home and not for a long time yet. I have officially decided that sleep is a giant waste of 1/3 of my life, which sucks as I require more of it to function than my normal college buddies. I have so many things I want to do in life, to experience, to learn, and yet, here I sit. Maybe sleep has its benefits. At least I still have my dreams.

:) I will post some pics of the fam when I see 'em. Till then...